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Footprints in the Sand
operated by the estate of
Mary Stevenson
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Updated 8/31/2024


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121 (2012-05-25) Kaye B United Kingdom Suffering with depression and at a all time low I was recieving therapy from a Reverand, He recited this beautiful poem/story to me and I dont know why but it meant so much to me, I love it, so much so that today for the first time in my 42 years of life i have been and had footprint tattoos on my foot, and it was well worth the pain! a

120 (2012-05-19) Mary S Southfield, NB, Canada My real mother gave me this poem in 1984. I was in my teens and going through some teenage crisis. The poem moved me and it had always remained my favorite. Throughout life other people have given it to me(on the front of a journal, a bookmark) and it was just recited last month at my step daughters baptism which moved me to tears. This past week, I was at work. I was online researching for my job. I decided to google my name to see what came up. This is my married name as of June of last year. And there was Footprints in the Sand. I have always seen the poem with author unknown. Fate? I think so. I think God works in amazing ways. Now to find the poem with her name on it and have it framed. I am honored to have her name :) a

119 (2012-05-06) Sara M Pittsburgh PA I had a really tough childhood, abusive alcoholic mom, no dad, and three brothers and sisters to maintain responsibility for. My mom had lots of bf's and we moved alot, but the one constant in every dining room in every home was the footprints poem, in a beautiful frame. I read it so many times, I have it memorized. I got older, im 24 now, and obvioulsy left home. Now Im getting out of a four year relationship, having to make big big moves out of my house, leave my job, and PA. All I can think about is this poem, every day. I am not a religious person, but I do believe that the power behind this poem emelates through the words, and that last verse is so amazing to me. I am getting the last sentence tattooed on my wrist for a constant reminder that I am really not alone. And I can survive it. I can survive anything. Thank God for Mary Stevenson and this poem. She had touched my heart in such a big way, and given me hope when I didnt have any. I am forever greatful. a

118 (2012-04-25) Joe K Junction City, Kansas (USA) "Footprints In The Sand" is a truly great and inspiring poem. I certainly do not mean any disrespect, but there was a time in my life when I felt that poem was written for me. Today, I am not so sure because when I look back over my entire life, all I see is one set of footprints. The other set I used to think I saw is gone now, and the ones that remain are not mine. The Lord is my shepherd and all those times I thought I was going my own way, directing my own path, even then, he was my shepherd. There is only one set of footprints that I can see now. The footprints I thought were my own have been washed out of the sand by time and the only remaining set of footprints were made by Him who carried me all the way, from the start, until today, and when I look ahead, I can see them there, too. a

117 (2012-04-22) Arnold N Tulsa Ok Many years ago I was given a cross when I visited a church a friend went to. I put a string on it and wore it around my neck for a couple of years. I lost it one day when I was moving from my house back to an apartment. I looked everywhere for it. Finally I gave up I started looking on the internet for another one. After about a week I found a cross with a pray of footprints on it. I always loved the poem "Footprints in the sand" so I bought it. I can't tell you how many people have commented on my cross, everyone loves it and they all say something about the footprints on it.. I almost lost it 3 or 4 times but God showed me where it was. Now I have it on a nice chain. Their is not much chance of loosing it now. I rub my fingers overs the footprints several times a day. It is really a comfort, It reinforces the fact that I know God is nearby watching over me. a

116 (2012-04-04) Lut H. van Nuys, ca , USA I saw this poem in the psych department office at the time when I was trying to get my masters degree (in order to be able to support my kids after having been a stay at home mom) while going through a very painful separation, and eventually, a divorce. i copied it, and this agnostic person found herself developing a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. from that point on, when things were just a tad overwhelming, I would say, please, please, just carry me for a bit. then when I gathered enough strength again, I would pray, you can put me down now, lord, I think I can manage... until the next time. this went on for years, which were really challenging, with my conversations with Jesus becoming a source of strength and insight. it was always at the beach, with those footprints.... that was in the 80's. I am now retired, in a beautiful happy marriage, the kids are grown. life is now wonderful, stable, comfortable, joyful. that poem started me on my spiritual path. I truly am very grateful for that poem that resonated with a soul that was so painfully lost at the time. a

115 (2012-03-26) Irma D New Britain,Ct I remember when I was a child,I was at my friend's house when I came across a poem her mom had on her wall called footprints,I remember reading it and I was moved by the words.that poem has stayed close to my heart to this very day,now I'm 35,and going through a difficult time in my life,with stress and anxiety,panic attacks. When I came across this poem I wasn't even thinking about it at the time,I believe it was God reminding me that he is still with me. a

114 (2012-03-21) Visser C South Africa I was feeling very down today because everything getting to much for me, I lost my job was unemployed for about 10 months. I am a single mom and while I was unemployed everything got behind and i could not cope with everything and everything that could gud wrong happen. There was a time in my life I felt like today I cannot take it anymore although I've got a job know how will I ever get up to date with finance problems that got behind. There is times like last nyt I just could take it more, passed 2 I woke up with the sound of running water when I got out of my bed I realize that my geyser burst and that was to much for me, I ask myself why me. I ask myself where did I fail God how come so many thing happen with one person, does God still loves me, where did things go wrong with my life, until I serve on the internet for strenght and encouragement than I got this poem of the footprints than I realize through everything that I am going through God was always with me all the way, and from today onwards I will always remember this poem in heartache and pain because I know he is the God of Impossible aswell as possible. We must just believe in him and will be with us all the way. I will forget about all my problem and I know He will solve it for me when it is the right time. Thankyou for your wonderful site. a

112 (2012-03-17) Rosemary S chicago il no matter how many time i read the poem it has a message for me and i want others to know that God blesses me and picks me up every time i read it a

113 (2012-03-17) Rosemary S chicago il no matter how many time i read the poem it has a message for me and i want others to know that God blesses me and picks me up every time i read it a

111 (2012-03-10) William F Granite City,Il. I found this poem in 1991 when my mother Viola had died of a result of breast cancer she had fought for several years.This last year I had lost my father Keaton,uncle Davis,Aunt Jerry,1 st cousin David,David's wifeCaroline. March 29th 2012 I will have my second brain surgery in six years. The first one has left me with long and short term memory loss single sided deafness and balance issues. I am truley thankful that God has helped me to keep working everyday even with all the issues I have. I can only hope with this next surgery he will watch over me and give me the strength to continue everyday life. If he does not I am happy for what he has given me. I hope that he will continue to watch over my wife Jennifer and my children Eric,Chris,Steve,Stephanie & Angie. These are God's best ever gift to me. a

110 (2012-03-06) Michelle P Illinois Over the last two years I have been battling everything from injury to illness, job loss and mortgage problems. My dad died about 10 years ago unexpectedly and his favorite poem was Footprints so it has always stuck with me. This poem has helped me through so much and now I am teaching it to my girls so that it helps them through tough times. I know God carries us through our toughest times. Thank God for Mary. a

109 (2012-02-29) Coleen Philippines When the first time I read this poem I was spired because that time we have a family problem and I felt encouragement after I read this. a

108 (2012-02-28) Lisa C. Queens, New York I really enjoy Footprints in the Sand Poem, it is my favorite, gives me a lot of inspiration and makes me feel good reading it and collecting it, and I am very glad I found this website, I have always enjoyed everything with Footprints, all kinds of collectibles I enjoy surfing the web with it and looking at it, I have evening written a revised version of the poem, Lisa a

107 (2012-02-05) Richad K. Arvada, CO My mother was intensive care at Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, IA. She was on life support for 62 days. The first few days I passed by it but finally I noticed it walking into see my mother Mary. Sometimes I would take time and read "Footprints" before I would see mom and sometimes after. Several times both. It would give me strength that is hard to difine. One night was feeling really down so I visited a bar close to my mother's where I was staying. I needed to get away for a bit. Can't remember how it happened that I befriended this man but I struck up a conversation and talked about this and that. I got to the topic of the "Footprints" at the hospital and I mentioned how it gave me such strength and support so I could be strong for my mother. I think if I read it going in it would brighten me up knowing I wasn't alone and all would be good. When I read it after I left it would give me strength to deal with the hours ahead. I looked up to this man I was telling this to and I noticed he had tears coming form both eyes. He told me his story. His wife died at Iowa Methodist and he donated the picture to the Hospital because he sometime during his visits he would read Mary's "Footprints" and he wanted to assist others in their time of weakness. During all this time my mother was on life support and basically in coma. Basically not with us. The 62 day mom moved her hand and within a week her eyes opend and she recovered. Not even close to a hundred per cent but she did leave the hospital. Her quality of life was not what we wanted and she passed a couple of years later. I never did mention to mom about "Footprints" but of course she knows all about it now. Thank-you Ms. Stevenson a

106 (2011-12-07) Pamela Elaine Farrar Catonsville, MD I remember sitting with my mother when I was six years old as we read Footprints in the Sand by Mary Stevenson together. My spirit leaped within me as we read those words, and I knew my calling. I could not explain it at the time, but I knew I was called to write words with the power to make the coldest hearts warm up with tears of joy. I knew God had blessed me with the gift to write words that empower and embrace painful issues hidden in the dark corners of the soul. What I didn’t know was that at the very moment when I accepted His light was the moment Satan and his imps surrounded me with darkness and pain. I kept putting one foot in front of the other, not just for me but the hope that others will have the faith and perseverance to walk through anything to reach God’s promises. HE CHANGED ME available 01-11-12 a

105 (2011-11-13) Victor S Seremban, Malaysia In January 1983 I was involved in a very nasty accident which left me bedridden for months. My 2 year old son nearly died as his spleen was punctured and only a last minute op saved his life. My wife, seated at the back with my son was slightly injured. She was 8 months pregnant with my second son. We nearly lost him due to the bad knock she recieved. Some drugs were administered to stop the body from aborting the baby.. When I was recovering from all this trauma, the surgeon told me that I wouldn't be able to walk again as nerves in my leg were severed. I was jus 38 and recently married. I was in a daze for many days. I had nightmares and was unable to even sleep. How was I going to take care of my family. My sisters and brothers kept consoling me and brought friends along to pray for me. During the nights I I was always asking God why he had left me. I had given my life into his keeping I told him. He had chosen a beautiful bride for me and had given me 2 kids. "Where are you Lord?" I asked many times "You can't leave me like this, bed ridden and a young family to take care of." Soon I was sent for physiotherapy for my back and neck injuries. In that place a young lady , around my age, took charge and put me through a series of mild exercises to regain control of my neck and back. Even for my "dead" legs. It was a month later that I noticed I could wiggle a toe. Weeks later more toes were moving. Every one was happy. " It must be the special execises and heat and electrical-shock treatments that must have triggered off something in my body" I told my family and friends. The physitherapist, Miss Ng, just smiled and put me on more strenous exercises. Many said that it was the work of the Lord. I just kep quiet and said nothing. It was 4 months later that my legs began to strengthen and I was able stand up. It took another month to try and walk. My legs felt so heavy, my muscles had wasted away. The recovery was very slow and at nights I used to call out to God: "Please don't leave me alone Lord. I need you. Where are you. ?" Then in August, I was at home by this time, one of my sisters slipped me a small card with the heading "Footprints in the Sand" I kept it under the pillow and only read it at night. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Tears came to my eyes as I read and reread it. HE was with me all the time.It was He who had sent me an angel on earth to care and make me fit again. Now I walk with Him by my side always. a

104 (2011-09-29) Teri A Salt Lake City, Utah I have always had a great love of children.In 1992 I was pregnant for the 3rd time in my life and so happy. I had a 8 year old son, but 3 years after, suffered a, Tubal Ligation. I have, high-risk pregnancies so at about 8 weeks gestation, I went in for a, ultrasound. I was told my baby had died and I was to go home and rest till I aborted it. I was told it would only take about 1 week for it to happen.My husband was about to go on a business trip and I was worried he would be gone when it all happened. For about 3 days I was very emotional, then a calm and peace enveloped me as if I were being held. People would ask me, if I was okay, and I always replied, fine. Five weeks later, very late at night, I went into labor and aborted my baby. After this experience, people would ask me, how I was able to handle carrying this little fetus for so long, knowing it was not going to make it. My reply was, "God carried me through it just like the poem, " Footprints in the Sand". Now, everytime I see it, I remember this event in my life and how much God showed his love for me, and I believe he has that same kind of love for all mankind. We are all Gods children. a

103 (2011-09-23) Dedra O New Port Richey, FL This poem over the years has been in my life first when I was 10 years old. But during a very trying period in my life when I was deployed in Afghanistan it came up when I needed it most. A friend of mine was painting a mural of the poem down at a an area on the base that was a hang out for the soldiers. At the time when he asked me to come and help him I had no idea that he was painting it. When I showed up I noticed the beach, footprints and then bootprints in the sand. I read the words and began to cry. For the first time during the deployment I had felt that everything was going to be alright and felt at peace and that a wieght had been lifted from me. Ever since that day I cherish this poem and read when I strenght. a

102 (2011-09-11) Shelby F OHIO I recently found out about this story and love it! My friends from Bible Study explained it to me. They are awesome. I really want this poster but am unable to afford it due to major money issues. Is there any way to get one cheap or free???
Thanks so much

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5 a

101 (2011-08-28) Ali Izad Cleveland, Ohio About 15 years ago I read a beautiful Farsi translation of the poem. This translation was done by late Dr. Khoshkenabi (-1990) who was a physician, poet and artist had also prepared a painting relative to this poem. Recently I came across the official Mary's web site and related these two poems togehter.
If possible, I would like to upload the Farsi translation to your web site.
Dr. Ali Izad

100 (2011-08-19) Kate A S.A Hi Mary. Since God is carrying this person through the dark times does that mean this person never suffers?.Is this the only person not suffering or are there any others?. I would like to meet them. Why are there still many others who are?. Why doesnt God just stop the wars, famine, divorces etc. I dont have children who will suffer or cause suffering or need the hand of God to get them through which would be my fault for having them in the first place. Love a reply.
Regards K a

99 (2011-08-03) Carolyn San Diego, CA My husband and I will soon be going through a custody battle with his children. We feel like the odds are against us and at times we lose faith. I went searching for this poem because I needed something to uplift my spirit. I have cried & have called unto Jesus waiting on some sort of sign, but after reading this poem I know he is carrying my husband and I through this battle. Every time I get a negative thought I know it's the devil & I just call on Jesus. Jesus is my judge, jury and lawyer there's no need for me to be scared. a

98 (2011-07-18) Roberta L north beach, md US times of sorrow and times of joy,our father has always been there.I keep this poem close to my heart.I have lived through house fires,along with saving my three daughters,,survived domestic violince,,been in 3 auto wrecks,watch my husband of 24 yrs pass away before my eyes in a auto wreck,had all the money,then none.I have always feel to my knees and asked OUR FATHER for strength and diection,always he answers in time of dispare and joy.I read Mays poem often and still gives me goose bumps and tears fall freely.What an insperation.How awesome a gift GOD has bestowed upon Mary as it could only have come from him.So along with millions,I thank our Father,for useing Mary,to bring strength and joy to all who read her poem a

97 (2011-07-15) Katie A N.H. This poem has been a huge part of my family, mostly because it was my grandfathers favorite poem. He passed away 4 days after I turned 3 years old of Lukemia and Lymphoma. I thing of him everyday and this poem helps me get over his loss, along with his sisters, whom I loved dearly. This poem is posted all over my house, room, and dorm room, and will be a part of my life forever. It means so much to me and has gotten me and my siblings through too many rough times in our lives. a

96 (2011-05-27) Dana H Rochester, MI This evening Mary's poem came to me as I was being a solid Dad for my 11yr old Daughter-ironically named Grace.

Suffice it to say that Grace and I had to have a long talk about being honest, not hiding from the truth and that when she does tell on herself.... to tell all the truth at once.

This was a very hard time for her as being raised catholic and having attended catholic grade school was always a fan of the slogan " I walk with Jesus".

So as not to pass on the gift of Catholic Guilt, I discussed with her the God of our understanding is loving and forgiving....and no matter the situation God never ever abandons us.

Thus.... Mary's poem came to mind. Or should I say, as God has always known my path in life, He had me share Mary's poem with my daughter Grace. She grasped this quite easily and as we kept talking her fear, anguish, self doubt and finally: her guilt slowly lessened on her heart.

Thank you Mary for sharing what God had placed in your heart and in your mind to share with the rest of the world. Oh, by the way, congratulations for getting the recognition you deserve. God Bless You.


95 (2011-05-11) Peter S Amsterdam the netherlands In the year 1999 i went to New York for work i would stay there a week. I was producer director of musicvideos. I had never been to New York and this was my first time. At the end of 1998 my mother had taken her own life after years and years of increasing back pain. Of which the cause always remained unknown. The death of my mother also ended the relationship i had at the time. My valley at the time was deep i carried the burden of double loss one of which was the worst loss i would ever experience. My beloved mother. One day, i believe it was thursday, we had scheduled to shoot early morning in Central Park. We enter the park and we were waiting for more crew to arrive under some trees. On top of a huge rock. A man walked up to me and said: Here i want you to have this. And he gave me a leaflet with print. Out of all the people in central park at that time, he walked up to me. The leaflet held the poem: Footprints in the sand. I am not a christian. I am not a catholic. I am not a muslim. Or any other religion that is wellknown. But i do know that god exists. God is the good energy that connects us all. God is the poem. God is the man that gve it to me. God is the right timing. God is that what makes you feel that coincidence does not excist. a

94 (2011-04-21) Tootie P Mount Union pa. When I was 16 years old,after my family left home to attend a softball game.I was supposed to be home alone,my mom had a list of chores for me to do.I went to our upstairs attick to start cleaning.A friend of mine had left town 2 days pryer to this.I was missing him terrably,had my back turned and a person came in behind me.I tried so hard to fight him off but couldn't,I prayed and prayed that god would please send me help.Nobody came,I went through the most horrible experience the next couple hours,still nobody came,but I kept praying.Finally the person left,I locked myself in my parents room until their return.I did what every female is always told,tell someone.,I still kept praying though and crying thinking how much my friend would hate me.I felt so dirty,and voilated.While I was in my parents room I tried to figure out how to load one of my step fathers guns,so I could shoot the person who hurt me and so I wouldn't have to face my friend.Needless to say I couldn't figure it out.Well telling somebody did absolutely no good.It just made things worse.I was told if I told anyone,then my friend who had left two days earlier would get blamed for it and he would go to prison.I didn't tell anyone because I was so afraid for my friend.For years I thought I hated anything to do with god,church or the bible,I really believed god just wasn't listening to my prayers or just plain didn't care.Thirty plus years later I hit rock bottom,ended up at my pastors house,his wife was sick at the time,but you know Pastor Jeff still went and awakened her for me,now keep in mind I stopped attending church there years ago.The pastor could have very easily told me to come back another day,but he didn't.After talking with Pastor Winsteads wife for a few days and praying,i started back to church that week.I knew I would see my friend there and it would be hard,because the threats to hurt him always came into my mind,so naturally all the other bad memories came back,Pastor Jeff said it wasn't going to be easy,it wasn't,still isn't.Well six months after my breakdown a friend who lived in the same small town as me contacted me,he told me he came to my house the day everything happened and heard me screaming and some comotion going on.He thought it was my friend and I just goofing off having fun,naturally he left,but he found out on his walk home that my friend was out of town,so he returned,and tried to get the door open and failed and left,see god was there the whole time . a

93 (2011-04-20) Kelly B Breaux Bridge, LA I have a very trying story. I fought for 3 years with the help of a fertility specialist to get pregnant. My husband and I were at our wits end. We fianlly on the 4th round of fertility shots, were pregnant with boy/girl twins. We though this was the only pregnancy we would have. I delivered my twins at 28 weeks because Emma, my girl twin's, placenta abrupted. They were both very small and their lungs were undeveloped. Talon, my boy twin, ended up passing away from an infection in the NICU at 15 days old. We soon found out that Emma had an infection too, MRSA, different from her brother's but just as deadly. She soon developed aneuyrsms in her arteries and had to have a major surgery in Fort Worth, TX. She came out of the surgery, even though we thought she wouldn't. But the effects of the infection and surgery soon showed signs after her first birthday. Her growth plates in her right leg were damaged and her leg was growing slower. At age 2 we went to Baltimore, MD to consult with a orthopedic to do leg legthening. It was scheduled for the next year. We soon found out we were pregnant on our own with our baby girl Estelle, born January 6, 2009. That same year July 23, 2009. At age 3 1/2 we brought Emma and Estelle to West Palm Beach, FL were the doctor moved hositals to have her surgery. Emma had her surgery and that night she started having seizure from a high fever, we later found out that it was H1N1, swine flu. Deadly to expreemies. One week later they transfered her to Miami Childrens to be placed on ECMO. 7 weeks later I lost another child. I have been to hell and back, the only way to explain what it's like to hold your dead children in your arms. I never doubted GOD, but I was so angry. I believe everyone has a guardian angel that follows them through life and sitting with someone that sees these things told me Emma's guardian was Mary Stevenson. Reading her story and that she was the author of Footprints in the Sand made me speechless. One day I will find out for sure when I see her and Talon again in HEAVEN. I just thought I would share this, maybe her family would like to know she is helping my baby girl in heaven. You can read her entire story at this was a way we connected with family through this difficult time and allowed me to show my angel off to the world. a

92 (2011-04-05) Laura M. Louisville, KY USA The poem "Footprints in the Sand" was read to me by a lady I worked with a couple days after I had been rapped at the age of 20. I sat and cried and she gave me a photo copy of the poem that I still have to this day. It took several years for me to stop crying when I read it. Parts of the poem is hanging on my dining room wall as stepping stones. I have entroduced it to my daughter and it is hanging in her apartment. This poem has been a healing peice for me and I am so glad it was given to me.

Thank Your Mary for writing this peom for us,

Laura a

90 (2011-03-04) Rebecca H Deerfield, Illinois This year I went on my footprints retreat with my church in order to get confirmed. Because of this poem and God shining through the hearts of everyone on the retreat I have changed. Thank you, the meaning of this is so powerful and no longer will I take my faith lightly. It was then that I carried you has made footprints on my heart and every participant and leader in my church community. People do not understand when we come back to school, especially being a sophomore in high school, after the retreat and we are so close. It is amazing what the stories of a few people can do to your life.

Thank you for inspiring me to listen to people how God shines through them and how now, I can see God shining through myself. a

89 (2011-03-01) David L denver colo My wife and i found out she had breast cancer.and about at the same time i had lost my job.and we did not what to we went to the kemo doc. and had her breast removed. we thought that was deal. the end ...notthen my dad past away..he was my rock the man i went to for gideance..i was lost and felt alone in the world..all the time praying and feeling like he was not hearing me then the cancer came back in her lungs both of themand agian after kemo agian we beat it...not a year later it came back this time in her liver and she said to me i am tired and i said so am i that is when our bishiop showed up .now we have not gone to church for many years..and we took that as a sign so to everyone in our boat i say one thing...please dont give up. and pray every day he dose listen i know i found out the hard way sincerly david a

88 (2011-02-04) Carla S Garibaldi, Or No Story.. it is just in our hearts. I nearly drowned for the 3rd time or so when I was 18.. caught in a sneeker/rip tide wave... Gone thru and back. A voice told me he still had work for me to do. i remember looking at footprints after I was pulled out. I know who it was!~ It was my Mom's favorite prayer, always on the wall of our home. When she was still alive but nearly HOME.. last spring.. I layed hands and prayed my way. it was not acceptable to others.. and my hands were removed and I was told to do it in private. Then given the task of Saying a prayer at her death service. I didnt! I did life photo's instead~ Now dad is going home too.. and now I will say it for the two of them.. and It wont be appointed as my job either. We who know the significance of those footprints.. have been there to see them, feel and Know. Foot prints are still showing up! God .. Thank YOU!!~ a

87 (2011-02-03) Valerie H San Antonio, Texas Footprints was brought to me by my aunt who shared this story with me when i was going through hard times in my life. I really enjoy reading this poem, it really speaks to me. i love to read it when ever, because i always smile after reading it. Mt friend aunt recently dies, and i shower her this poem, because eveything i was telling her just made her cry more, so i showed it to her, and she felt a lot better. a

86 (2011-01-25) Melissa M. Ohio I found out I was pregnant at 19 years of age and knew I was going to be a mom. During my pregnacy I began to experience severe migraines and was admitted into the hospital in 1993, at about 4 months pregnant. On October 4, 1993(while pregnant) I underwent brain surgery to repair a birth defect I didn't even know I had. Before the surgey, I flatlined at least twice and I think twice during surgery. After the surgey, doctors were unable to find my daughter's heartbeat(until my father came into my hospital room and told me; "No child is worth dying for, especially one you've never even met.") Within minutes of him saying this to me; I had the worst seizure I'd ever experienced and doctors found her heartbeat. On March 4, 1994; I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 7lb. 8 1/2 oz. daughter. Today, I am the single mother of two beautiful and healthy daughters and wouldn't change a thing. I thank GOD every day for giving me these two gifts in my daughters, my life, and the opportunity to be thier mother. a

85 (2011-01-23) Charlotte M. Manchester, United Kingdom Was diagnosed with bi polar disorder in 2001, having suffered from depression and mania most of my teenage life.. In my black hole I asked God to take me to him twice in 1990, in 2000 and again in May 2001, Thankfully I was too early...and he sent me back. In my europhia I risked my own life. 9th September 2001 (I was waiting for my first ever car to be delivered) I switched on the tv to watch 'neighbours' and thought they were running Independence Day.. strange choice for day time viewing, then it dawned on me.. The World Trade Centre. I had stood at the bottom of the World Trade Centre December 2000 looking up, wishing that God would take me, but not being able to express this to my sister who I was with at the time... I called my friend who's brother in law was in a meeting there.. she didn't know anything, so I suggested she go home and be with her husband.. I called my sister and we spent the next few hours on and off the telephone, sometimes talking, sometimes not even being able to speak. Those people, their families, the devastation and horror that unfolded before the world's eye's. The Upper floors.. rather than die at the hands of another person or force, they asked God to carry them.. and he did. I worked for 10 years in London, UK in a tall, prominent building. We all lived with these threats on a daily basis. My father, sister and I were in Camden Town market the day of the bombing.. before mobile phones, we couldn't go forward, we couldn't turn back to reach a telephone to let our Mother know we were ok. Countless security alerts/stations closed/police checks in and aioround the square mile.. I always felt safe.. if you saw a package, then you would turn around and spot the nearest Transport Police officer and go to him. If you saw a briefcase left in reception, you told the receptionist to call security and evacuate the area asap. Working for one of the worlds largest corporations, we had to be accompanied by security men when attending AGM's, walking with all our documents, passes glued to our sides with police presence outside the office and the venue for the AGM (these Security guys were ex military, special forces). Once inside we could relax, have a coffee and work.. we knew we were safe again now. In all my time in London, I never felt frightened of the City.. until 9th September 2001 and I was not return until my journey had taken me to may parents, my siblings, my consultant,my friends & finally my wonderful husband. a

84 (2011-01-06) Wilma B Dubai, UAE While teaching in Qatar I met a very special friend called Hesham. He was a very devoted Muslim but was very open to me proudly being Christian. (As you probably know, Qatar is in the Middle East and an extremely devoted Muslim Country with a mission to build mosques every 500m.) He never tried to change my views and would often share "lessons of life" from the Koran. In turn, I would share some of my own from our cherished Bible. He used to listen attentively but not comment much afterwards. One day I gave him a copy of "Footprints in the Sand". While reading it, a lonely tear rolled down his cheek. He was immensely moved by the words. This time no words were needed. Though I sadly lost contact with him when I left, I know the words are imprinted in his heart forever! Thank you, bless you, it is the most special poem in the world and I NEVER tire of reading and sharing it! Regards and God bless, a

83 (2010-12-17) Becky B. Horicon, WI I always thought this was a "nice poem.," I have seen it on countless plagues, wall hangings, cards, etc. On December 1st my son hung himself at 1am. He was the youngest of 5, and I. AM. DEVASTATED. This is no longer a "nice poem." is my life now as I totally have to let my Savior carry me... I do not have the strength. a

81 (2010-10-17) Nilda.l. Brooklyn, NY This poem has a special place in my heart. As a child I was raised in a very abusive household. Everything from molestation by my stepfather for the 14 yrs of my life. Every possible abuse my mother could lash out at me, whether it was physical. mental or emotional, it was a daily thing. I was alone and scared. I prayed every night to god to please remove me from this situation, cause i was literally alone. As years went by I grew angry and lost my faith. yes I was angry at God. If anyone knew exactly what I was going through it was him. why was he letting this happen to me? I'd ask myself. I became a mother at 19. Was ina very abusive relationship by 21. Been a single mother for 24yrs. Lost the love of my life to suicide in 2004. Was diagnosed with Bipolar depression in 2007. I was lost and I was very, very angry at God. Why are you letting me go through this? I would ask. When is enough going to be enough, I would ask myself. Till one day I ran into this poem (Footprints In The Sand) The first time I read it , I found all the answers I was looking for. All the answers to the Why's in my life. And at the times I thought he left me, was the time I needed him the most. And I realized. He never left me. The times I thought I was walking all alone,the lonliest and most heartbreaking days in my life. I always wondered How I made it through. When I read that poem is when I realized. I he never left me. He stood close to me and carried me. When I could no longer do it. I found my faith in God and I found faith within myself. And from the first day I set eyes on this poem till the day I die. This poem will always be in my heart. Never lose hope. He's always their even when you think he isn't. a

82 (2010-10-16) Samantha M Australia I received the footprints poem when i was in my teens. It has helped me so much. Wheneveri see anything with this poem i must buy it. It is such a beautiful poem and it really helps you in those times when you need some guidance. a

80 (2010-09-19) Jackie S. Lexington, United States My first time reading this poem was when I was 12 years old. In my mind I kept wondering what did God mean at the end about the reason of seeing one set of footprints. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I finally realized that it meant that he was carrying me through my hardships. I have been the rebellious child out of my siblings and all the time that I was rebellious, I was petrified. I didn't show it bc it was not normal for me to be scared of anything according to them. I have lived a hard life for a girl (woman). But every time that I thought that I could not keep going, I will find this poem and say to myself "U can do this!" So today as I am writing this, I need this encouragement yet again! I just hope and pray that it will not fail me this time! a

79 (2010-09-17) Suzanne S Batavia, NY I decided to take a break from all the worry and pain in my life and go visit my sisters; they are very special to me and could make me feel better. My sisters came to Batavia and pick me up and we drove to their house. This is where my life takes a different path and has taken me to places I never dreamed of going. We pulled up to my sister's house I got out of the car, and started to walk around it when the wing nut on my crutch broke and I fell hitting the pavement and knew immediately I had broken my hip. My sister called an ambulance and eventually Geneva General Hospital transferred me to Strong Memorial Hospital. I had wanted so many answers over my six month battle and everything is my life was drastically about to change. The Orthopedic doctor came in that evening and informed me I had a rare form of Leukemia called Myeloma. The only things I have ever thought about since that date are my children. Sara is 19, Gregory is 18 and Richie is 8, what is going to happen to my babies when I am gone. The only thing that did not cross my mind until about two weeks later is I don't have to be gone, if I would only stand up and say "cancer you don't have control of me, I have control of you". That is exactly what happened after I stopped feeling sorry for myself. Thank you for this poem to prove God never leaves us or forsakes us. a

78 (2010-09-06) Deborah E Maryland Footprints in the Sand has always been my written confirmation knowing that GOD will carry me through whatever whether good or bad. That he walks with me on a daily basis. I praise him for these words written by a insightful person knowing that one day those very words would be a comfort to millions of people. a

77 (2010-09-05) Melissa W. Little River, KS My firstborn baby girl was 4 days old when we took her to the doctor's office because she had not nursed since her birth. As we were waiting for the doctor In the examination room, I saw Footprints in the Sand hung on the wall. I said to myself, "Oh yeah, I know that old and familiar poem." I never bother to read it because I always think I know what it is about. But on this day, my eyes were involuntarily stuck on the title of this poem. I tried to move my eyes away, but they would not move. So I said to myself, "Well, since my eyes won't go anywhere, I guess I better read this poem." And I proceeded to read every line. Then my darling baby girl took her last breath. I know the Spirit of the one true and living God, God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, was speaking to me and preparing me for that moment and the days of grief ahead. Thanks be to God who comforts. a

76 (2010-08-31) Steve W Madera, CA. I am so glad to have found your web site and to learn that the author of Footprints is "known." As a minister, I use this poem often as I conduct funerals. It is so effective in bringing comfort to grieving family and friends. It fits right along with scripture. When asked about the poem I have always stated that the author was "unknown," but now I know the facts behind this wonderful and caring poem and I shall be glad to pass Mary Stevenson's name on. a

75 (2010-08-26) Mark H Fremont, CA This is the post I sent to my friends after they carried me through a period in which I was falsely accused. I was devastated personally and professionally, but my friends saw me through this.-

There is a wonderful Poem written by Mary Stevenson called "Footprints in the Sand"_. She describes a dream she had noticed footprints in the sand as she walked. At times there were two, and at other times only one. She asked, "Why when I've need you most is there only one set of footprints."_ The LORD responds, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you."_ Well, I've been through my own trails, and I looked back at my footprints and I didn't just see one set of prints. I didn't even see two. After all GOD was always with through all of this. But, what I saw was the beach full of footprints. All the people who GOD has put in life came around to be there as I went through this difficult time. GOD put all these people with me, and they GOD carried me through them. Through all of this, and all of my self-pity, I see sets of footprints that stayed with me, and didn't let me fall behind. I'm over-whelmed by the support that GOD put in my life. When this occurred I felt so ashamed, and I knew I had let all of my friends down. I didn't want to let them know what had happened. But, GOD stayed with me, and when I did the very people that GOD put in my life stayed with me. And not only did they stay with me, they carried me through this. When I felt useless, GOD made me useful. When I wanted to be alone, GOD called on somebody to be with me. And I was allowed to selfish (the greatest crime a Christian man could be accused of). I'm overwhelmed by the support that I've received through this, and will always be obliged to repay them. I'm honored to be your friend, and just thank GOD that you're in my life. a

74 (2008-05-01) Jacqueline S M Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland When I was only about 5 or 6years old, I remember we had a copy of the footprints poem in our bathroom, we had it for years as it was my dads favourite poem, then when I was 16 years old I lost my dad through suicide, which was very hard on the whole family, me and my sister decided to do something to remember him by so at the funeral we stood up in front of the crowd and read the poem 'footprints in the sand' out, and since then the poem has brought a lot of comfort to myself, my brother and sister and my mum, in my purse I keep a copy of the footprints poem and a picture of my dad knowing that there are there to bring me comfort whenever I need it, its been four years now since my dads tragic passing, even though I still miss him dearly it gets easier through time as I know he is in Gods hands now and is safe and well in heaven x gone but never forgotton dad x a

73 (2008-04-19) Davina G. Scotland, UK I first found the "Footprints" around 10 years ago. I was in a charity shop on the high street and noticed a glass framed copy sitting on the top shelf. I'd never heard it before and read it to myself. I was not brought up to follow any particular religion and, at the time, I chose to walk away because, even though the message moved me... it's tone resonated with Christianity and I did not have religious beliefs. It was only later when I began my persoanl growth and found my own sprituality that I began to think about the poem again. I am not christian, or catholic, or affiliated to any church, but I do have a deep faith and I wanted to tell you that, although the poem may speak of "The Lord" I believe it speaks of the 'god' inside us all. Our True Self. In times of trouble we all (in spite of our religious differences) believe we have someone by our side to support and guideus. It's a natural human need. And so I wanted to share with you my thoughts and my thanks for putting into words the sense of comfort those of us who have faith find. Thank you. Davina xx a

71 (2008-04-18) Valeriy S. Sedalia, MO I am almost 18 years old and my mom passed away on March 8th 2008. She had a baby, my smallest brother Arthur, on March 1st 2008. It was really hard on everyone in our family...I am the oldest of now 7 kids. And without God i dont know what i would have done. My best friend gave me a huge poster with footprints in the sand on a beach with this poem on it. It hangs on my door so that i see it every day . It has helped me tremendously. God has done a wonderful thing through Mary and is helping other people realize that they are not alone. a


70 (2008-04-16) Elaine R. Laguna, Philippines I am so thankful to God because of the message of this poem "Footprints in the Sand". I know this poem since I was in my high school days. Even then when I first read this from my mom's card in her room... the message touched by heart. There's something in the poem that tells the TRUTH THAT GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US. That as I read the poem, I could rely on that truth of God's love for us all. It is a powerful poem that I give praise to God for the life and wisdom He gave to Mary. Thanks to you Mary! Today, I just found this website. My boyfriend who is a pastor gave me the courage to put all information into a file. He shared to me how this poem became his favorite... "Footprints in the Sand" gave him the courage to stand again when he was in his darkest and saddest part.... struggle in his life. Again, I give all the glory to God for the poem and this website as well. a

69 (2008-04-05) Frances T. Brisbane, Australia - Gisborne NZ I first heard this poem when I was 8 years old thats 22 years ago my aunt had come across it and being a composer put a beautiful tune to it, this was shown to a local group within our town which performed it at many special events and even as a encore for a competition they had won. It is beautiful and very inspiring, it gives me goosebumps thinking about how it touched so many people with its sincerity. I sing it to my daughter all the time and am wanting to get part of it tattooed on me as a symbol of my belief. Thank you Mary for sharing something beautiful with the world. a

68 (2008-03-29) Tiffany H. Tucson, AZ 2007 was the worst year of my life. I had always kept the footprints poem close to my heart. But during this year it helped me to keep it together. My husband lost his job, I ended contact with family, my son was having problems in school. In general nothing was going right. In October, I found out I was pregnant. I was convinced things were going to get better from then on. Just after Christmas I found out that my baby had stopped growing and would not make it. During this time I recited the poem in my head repeatedly. My prayers were often as simple as, "Lord, this is one of the times that I need you to carry me." I truely felt the Lord was holding me up through these times. The phrase, "It was then that I carried you" has a double meaning for me: It is the year that Lord carried me through and it is the time that I carried my baby who is now with the Lord. a

67 (2008-03-24) Morgan O. Granite City, USA Footprints in the sand has carried my life. Everytime I read it, I remind myself that God is always with me, walking by my side. Thank you God for such wonderful people who tell us of your friendship. a

66 (2008-03-22) Leanne I JARROW,ENGLAND This poem mean the world to me and even though I am not religious the message in the poem is very strong. I always cry when I read it and I need to read it often. I'm not too well at the minute and I read this poem for strength. I'm so glad this poem was written, Mary Stevenson was so talented and her heart must have been filled with love. a

65 (2008-03-18) Sue E Dallas, Oregon USA I want to thank you so much for this website, and the story of the author. I just happened across it. My grandaughter called me wanting me to help her find a picture of God's hands. I found this web site. She just lost her aunt, yesterday in an accident. I emailed her this web site. It is so comforting. I have lost several family members...I was given this poem several years ago, and it just helped my spirits so very much. I have used it on numerous memorial brochures for funerals of family members. I am always surprised at the number of people that have not heard of it. I have been able to share it with so many friends, and make their hearts hurt less. One of my "Sue isms", is "There will always be only 1 set of footprints in the sand for me". Thank you again for Mary writing this wonderful poem. Sue a

64 (2008-03-16) Mary Berowra Heights, Sydney NSW Aystralia First I want to say a very big thank you for Footprints. It has been a big comfort to me from the first time I had it given to me as a poster. I wear a little emblem of footprints on a chain round my neck and it makes a very good opening to talk about Jesus. I have been through some very very tough times and could be there are more to come . Footprints is such a comfort Than you Mary H. a

60 (2008-03-15) Katherine T. England Our school called "The School of the Lion" own this building called Beauchamp House.We were really running very low on money and needed to sell the house at the school.The school has been running for a lot of years and no body wanted it to stop then.We decided to have an auction for the house.But there was this christian family that were really intrested in buying the house but didnt have the money.We were praying and praying for break through but nothing seemed to happen.Till one day we got it all sorted the christian family decided to buy it! we called of the auction!We really saw God come in our 40 days of prayer and we really did see a miracle..God does amazing things.. a

57 (2008-03-12) Hazel B. Hexham Northumberland, England hi, my name is Hazel, in the year 2002, may 17 th .i had a lovely little baby boy his name was james , he only lived for a few minutes the nurses at the hospital took prints of his feet and photographs, i got this lovely sympathy card, and inside was the verse it meant so much to me, its been nearly 6 yrs now, and it still means so much to me . I think it helped me in a way to cope with the loss, i have crossed stitch it for my son, and traced his footprints on the bottom of the poem,. Thankyou for the poem its lovely and has helped me , it will always mean so much to me.... xxxx Hazel a

58 (2008-03-10) Claire O. Brisbane, Australia Hi just wanted to write my story,in 2002 i gave birth to a premature baby,he was 16 weeks early and we called him Oliver our little fighter,he was so tiny and fragile he had tiny fingers and toes, on mothers day of that year the nurses coloured his feet in black and pressed his footprints onto a card for me,it reminded so much of the footprints because they were so small, we just couldnt believe it ouselves how small he was,to cut a long story short our little fighter fought for 10 weeks and then his little body gave up,my mum bought me a footprints charm to put on my necklace so i could put a photo of him in there close to my heart.In september 2006 my dad tragically died of a stroke at the age of 56 and at his funeral i wanted to do something special so i read the footprints poem out,i didnt think at first i could do it but i did ,so when he did pass i put a photo of him in the other side of my footprints locket so they are both close to my heart.Thank you for the poem it is very special to me and my family. a

61 (2008-02-28) Tangee E Eastview, KY one day me and my daughter and a friend was setting on the couch reading some of the bible when my little girl asked me is Jesus with me now and i sed yes he is hes in your heart just then the door bell rang but when i opened it know when was there or i thought know one was ther i was wrong i culdent see hem but i knew Jesus was ther he was letting my little girl know that he was ther i turley believe in footprints in the sand a

59 (2008-02-25) Jim M. Baghdad, Iraq To whom it may concern, I'm a contractor in Baghdad Iraq I've been here now going on for years, to look at all the death and destruction around this place, I needed something to take my mind off of the grief. One day a soldier had walked by me, and found me staring into space, he said to me are you okay my friend, as I looked up at him ,a very young man stood there with his weapon strapped to him and I replied, this place feels so empty, I feel like I'm all alone he knelt down beside me took his backpack off and pulled out a Bible and in between the pages piece of paper put his Bible back in the backp there was a and handed me the piece of paper, as he handed it to me he said my old friend you're not alone read this, while he was walking away I opened up the piece of paper only to find saying footprints in the sand which I've never read before as I read it tears started feeling my eyes and when I finished reading it I didn't feel alone anymore when times get bad over here I take it out and I read it. I have searched for the soldier for the last five days to thank him nobody knows who he is in its been a week now and I go to the same spot every other day to see if I can find him and thank him for what he done for me. a

62 (2008-02-25) Brian W. Unknown I am a 32 year old man that has taken for granted many things in his life. This has now come back to haunt me and I have found peace knowing that GOD has my heart in anguish for a reason. For years and years I have not seen him in my life. Now when I am in need most, he is showing me the way to be the man I should be. Every person in their life has a moment where he or she realized that they need a change and need to live by the word of the lord. I am at that point in my life. I was pointed to this poem and it's significant meaning by the one woman that has always been my soulmate. As I read and examine the meaning of this, I have been awakened to the fact that the lord is carrying me at this point of my life. Soon I will be walking side by side with the lord again. When my breakup happened I was asking myseld "how can one man go through it alone", well I am not alone. I was never alone, and I will not feel alone again. For my GOD has always been with me, always will be with me, and I will apreciate every day I have on this earth and am not afraid anymore. I have stated to my love that "I fear GOD" now I realize it is not GOD I need to fear, It is the lack of GOD that one should fear. Thank you to all who have done such a wonderful job with this site. a

63 (2008-02-20) Jasmyna Unknown My grandfather passed away when i was 11 years old, it was tough for me to handle seeing that he was like the father figure in my life. I looked up to him in so many ways. In May 2003, my grandfather was fighting through lung and brain cancer. He held his head up high and said he would make, he never questionned god, or refused to believe in him for the suffering he was going through. he believe god always had a reason. A couple of days before my grandfather died, he started to act werid, the treatments were starting to become to much for him to handle, He told my father that he wanted to send my tape of my singing to Micheal Jackson, because he believed i could make it far in life. Today, i am 15 years old, i suffered from Panic attacks for 11 months now, but i believed i could make it, now, today, I have panic attacks maybe every 2-3 months, i big step for me. I let out my emotions in songs that i sing, i dedicated some beautiful written songs to my grandfather who is missed by everyone, especially when things feel like they are falling apart. What i learned from his death, is to always appreciate who you have around you, and the one thing you can not question, is god.He took my grandfather away for a reason, and i thank him for that everyday, because he doesnt have to suffer any more. He is happy up there in heaven, and god bless him a

56 (2007-12-18) Jessica N. Senioa, GA I am 16 years old now and My granny lost a fight to cancer when i was 14 It was hard for so long and it still is. I will never forget that night, she died. I was in my room with the door shut and i was babysitting my brothers while my parents were at the hospital with my granny. When it was about time to make my brothers go to bed I was talking to a friends named zach and then I heard someone beating on my door so I go see what happen then i see my Grandparents on my moms side and then i just looked at my brothers and i say them crying along with my grandparents and they didnt have to tell me what had happened. Then I went to my grandparents house to go to sleep and then my mom and dad came over that morning and got us and we had to go to school and finish our test then, when i walked in to my 1st class I saw one of my friends and then it was over i just lost it i was crying all day i couldnt be the strong one anymore I had to let go and let it out. Then My cousin was in my class too and no one had told her what happened so I had to tell her and i think that was teh hardest thing i had to do that day. They played christmas shoes at the furnal and ever since then every time i hear that song I just cant help it but cry. December 18. 2005 Betty Jane Smith I MISS AND LOVE YOU GRANNY ALWASY AND FOREVER. a

54 (2007-12-18) Rose B. San Diego, California USA An only child I had just been married about 6 months when my Father passed away in 1978. He had suffered from throat cancer and had his voice box removed and was unable to ever speak again. This was so discouraging that his health diminished from then on. At this time I can't remember where I found this "Footprints in the Sand" poem but it helped me cope with my Father's death. In 1995 I experienced my Mother's death, which was a very difficult thing for me to accept. She and I were extremely close, we did everything together and she meant everything to me. I can't tell you how I clung to the words in this poem. In 2001 shortly after the 911 tragedies in New York I was told that I had "Breast Cancer". I felt that my whole world had caved in on me. I had just missed my son's wedding in Spain due to canceled flights during this time. After being told I had Cancer, I could not say the word for a long time. I felt I would never get through what the doctor's told me I needed to do to survive. I was faced with 2 surgeries to remove the cancer and lymph nodes, 6 treatments of Chemotherapy, 36 treatments of Radiation, and loosing all my hair. I finally made it through all of this with the help of this one simple poem, my family and friends. My daughter made a collage frame with pictures of footprints she and her husband made on a lonely beach, and the Footprints Poem inside the frame. A neighbor also had this Poem framed for me so whenever I was down, I could look for strength in this lovely poem. I now say "Thank you for Today" and I hope for tomorrow. Thanks a

55 (2007-12-07) Rishara. S Toronto, Ontario I have always been very fond of the poem footprints. I have complete faith in Jesus and know that he will be there for us always and especially in times of need. I am seeking new employment closer to home and am awaiting results. I want to hear good news and i have put my faith in god. I believe he will bring me through this and enable me to get this position, so i can spend time with my little son who needs me. Reading the footprints brings tears to my eyes always and strenghens by belief in Christ Jesus. a

53 (2007-12-03) Bob F. Parkside, PA I had a plaque with this poem in my room growing up. In high school and other times whn it seemed God was not there, Mary's poem helped me get through it. a

51 (2007-11-28) Heather D. Montague I am leaving my husband today after years of heartache and pain. I know God is with me, I went searching on the internet looking for "footprints". I felt God impressing me to read that poem, for He is surely WITH US in times of need and even carrying us over our difficult troubles. Thank you Mary for sharing a piece of your relationship with God with the rest of us. a

50 (2007-11-15) Katie B. St Petersburg, FL I grew up in a Christian home and remember having a strong faith as a child and youth. When I left home to go to college & then for many years after college, my faith got pushed to the side. This past year has been difficult for my husband and I. We lost his father to a long battle with cancer in February and I suffered my second miscarriage this past October. I came across this poem - one I remember fondly, but hadn't read in quite some time - and knew my life had changed. As we struggle with the grief of my father-in-law and the grief of my unborn child, I know that God is looking out for us and will be there for us as we continue to walk on. I've renewed my belief in Jesus and know that he is supporting me every step of the way. a

49 (2007-10-16) Lonnie H. Mesa, Az. USA My wife of 18 years, lost her battle with breast cancer. She left me with a son of only 9 years of age. I've been quoting this poem to my son ever since, reminding us of how GOD works in our lives without us even knowing. I thank GOD every day for the strength to carry on, and this poem reassures me that I can continue. Thank You a

48 (2007-10-10) Yvette D. Sint Maartensdijk, the Netherlands I'm a 13 year old girl, and live in the Netherlands. My grandfather had cancer. He wrote the Dutch version of "Footprints" and gave it to me. He also painted footprints on the paper. I love this poem, and it always make me think of my dearest & lovely grandfather. I miss him very very very much. I am going to scan it, print it, and put it in my diary so I can always think about my grandfather when I am at school. Rust in vrede opa. De Heer zorgt voor u. U zal geen pijn meer hebben. Ooit kom ik u weer tegen! (Rest in peace, grandfather. The Lord carries of you. You won't have any pain anymore. We will be together once.) Ik hou van u en mis u! (I love you, and miss you!) a

47 (2007-09-30) Jen M. Mnrvl, PA I have always felt the truth of this poem wash over me. I stop and read it wherever, whenever be it a plaque in a halmark store or on a bookmark that somehow slides to the deepest depths of my purse. Today will be different, I will not just glance and then walk away to be sucked into the "business of life" but I will carry its meaning with me and keep its comfort, gods promise, close to my heart. a

46 (2007-09-27) Nora D Ipswich, England My story is about my mother in law she was told she had cancer nearly 5 years ago. She fought so hard to live, having chemo for most of her 5 years.She lost the battle on the 9 september 2007.she never said why me and put all her trust in god, i couldn,t understand how well she coped thank the doctors and nurses even when it was bad news say god bless you her priest said i had the pleasure of meeting jane a lady of great faith and she loved the peom footsteps in the sand i will always respect my mother in law janey a

45 (2007-09-13) Cierra R. Louisville, Kentucky My aunt died of AIDS when I was 11 yrs old. She was the greatest women in my life at the time. She inspired me during my tough times in life. When I wanted to give up in school, she was always there to push me that extra step and to encourage me the rest of the way. For awhile, I was in the dark about her sickness until I saw her on the News giving an inspirational speech to others infected with the deadly disease. From that point on, she would recite "Footprints in the Sand" to me, to encourage me that although she would soon be absent in the body, she would be present with the Lord and neither her nor God would ever allow me to go through my tough times alone. I'm now 19 years old. A sophomore in college. And even now, when school gets overwhelming to the point I just want to give up, I remember this poem and it keeps me holding on and going strong. I know tough times will never fade away but in the midst of them, I'm not alone. And I pray a special blessing on Mary Stevenson for using the gifts God gave her because this poem has helped many people. Young and old. God Bless You and Your family. a

44 (2007-09-04) Sandy M. Newton, Massachusetts I first saw this poem on a small plaque in a country store while camping in New Hampshire. At the time I was having a lot of problems with my marriage, as I too, was in an abusive marriage just like Mary was with her first marriage. I felt as if God had let me down because at the time I saw no way out of the situation I was in, held in a relationship I was afraid to leave since at the time I had no job and would not be able to financially care for our two children. I finally got the courage and ended the marriage a few years later. While reading the poem, however, it brought tears to my eyes and I had to compose myself a bit before turning around to purchase the plaque. I believe it says "author unknown" at the end of the poem, since it was back in the mid-1980s when I purchased it. The plaque has sat on the same spot in my house since the day I bought it and it still brings tears to my eyes when I read it. But at least now I know that God is there, so when I see one set of footprints in the sand, I'll always know why. a

43 (2007-08-20) Kendra S. Gratiot, WI My best friend passed away in a car accident at the age of 16. I thought I was left alone here to survive all by myself. My sister knew I wasn't doing well and she bought me a journal with the Footprints poem on the cover. It has been 4 years since his death and everytime I feel alone, I replay that poem in my head and feel nothing but warmth,knowing I will NEVER really be alone. a

42 (2007-07-23) Nikki L DC I too was young girl when i discovered this poem it brought tears to my eyes, this weekend i was at the beach at night walking with my 11 year old niece, i decided that this was the perfect times to introduce her to the poem. As we walked in the wet sand we too made footprints, two sets. I began to tell her the story of "footprints in the sand". Near the end of the poem i gave her a piggy back ride so that there would be on one set of footprints and to emphasis the point of the poem. So I asked her her, why do you see only one set of footprints? She replied: "Because the Lord is carrying the person while he/she is having trouble in their lives" I was so overjoyed! She got! I think she will remember that day for a very long time and be remindful of footprints in the sand every time she visits a beach. The next day we saw a picture reminiscent of the poem, in the picture the Lord was carrying a woman along the beach and the two sets of footprints had become just one as she experienced trouble in her life. I love this poem i have a plaque of it above my kitchen sink and read it each day to remind myself that when I am down and low the Lord will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank God for Mary Stevenson this poem is truly inspiration to all people across the globe! a

41 (2007-07-15) Karen L Tulare, CA I was in an accident and my 8 yr old daughter, only child, and one of her classmates went to heaven that instant. Thru grief you wonder sometimes where's God? Until I ran into your poem and then knew God was carrying me when I was wondering where He was. Sixteen years later, I know where God is, right where I left Him, in my heart. Never leave home with Him. Thank you for your poem that has inspired so many people, no telling how many millions. God Bless you. a

40 (2007-07-13) Berenice S Long Beach, CA Foot prints poem is my favorite. My dad suffers from diabetes a few years ago he was hospitalized with a bad infection in his foot and lost a limb.Times for our family were not the best. Seeing my dad suffer and watching him let himself go was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with.My dad was distancing himself from everyone and I went to the local store and found a picture with the footprints poem on it and thought it woulbe the best thing to get his spirits back up. I wraped it and gave it to my da das a gift when I felt he was at his lowest piont. He was completely moved by this and keep it on his night stand. a

36 (2007-06-21) Nikisha Y New Orleans, LA Hi, I was in horrific incident were I was shot and watch a close friend of mine get murdered. The guy and my friend were arguing and the guy shot him several times. He than turned the gun on me and I could feel the bullets going through my hair. The cops said it was a miracle because the bullet holes in my car were so close to where my head was that they couldn’t figure out how I was not hit. I was shot in my leg the doctor said if the bullet would have traveled it would have hit a main artery. There were people trying to hurt my family and me. They said that they had to keep me quite. I felt so bad because as this guy was shooting my best friend. My friend told me to run and don't look back. I ran and this guy who was much taller and bigger was chasing me. I ran and did as my friend said and ran and kept running until this guy who I never seen before stopped to give me a ride. He told me to get out of the car once he get to the hospital and don’t look back when we arrived to the hospital I got out of the car and ran, when I looked back the car was gone in seconds, till this day I believe that was one of gods angles. I felt like I left my friend to die. He told me to run and I did so and it bothered me for awhile. I was very depressed about it. To top it off the police thought I had something to do with my friend getting killed. I left the state for awhile because my family felt that I was not safe. I once again was forced to make a split second choice and leave someone I love behind. I was afraid what would happen to my family but my family insisted that it was not safe and they wanted me to move for a while. I did so and went to live with an aunt that I hadn’t seen in ten years. One day I was feeling real down so I went to this church and collapse as soon as I got to the door. I was crying and very weak. This guy sit with me and told me his story and how if I came to god and ask him to help lift me up and watch over me that he would carry me. I went back to my aunts and she decided to bring me to a close friend of hers house to cheer me up. I had been there several times but never saw this picture on the wall. I had heard of the foot prints in the sand poem but never read it. This picture was so beautiful so I decided to read the writing that was on the picture. I did and it was the most beautiful poem I had ever read. The poem was so inspirational and uplifting .I had stayed by my aunt for close to eight months. I had lost everything my house, my car had bullet holes in it, my bills were way behind, I had medical bills, I lost both of my jobs and to top it off someone was trying to find me to hurt me for what I saw. The cops still thought I had something to do with the incident. A few weeks after reading the poem I was so inspired that I decided to move back home and not fear what was to come if I returned home I forgave the man who shoot me and prayed that the lord would protect me and stepped out on faith and promised my self I would always do so, I moved back home with my family, had my job back, I was in school, I worked extremely hard to get my bills back in order and to top it off they found the guy who shoot me. I believe in things getting better and that trouble doesn’t last always. That was in 2003 in 2005 Louisiana was hit by a hurricane that destroyed everything in its path. Some of my family was missing and once again I lost everything and bills feel behind again. I didn’t let it get the best of me because I remembered that during those though times he there to carry you, you have too believe. My sister cried because we couldn’t locate the rest of my family. I told my sister about the poem and believing. Two day later my mom called with my brother and my dad called one hour after speaking with my mother. I found all my family no one was hurt. For those out there who’s going through some though times remember he’s always there by your side he believes in you so believe in him. He’s going to always be there for you if you want him there. Also remember it happens to the best of us go back in the bible to the book of Job in the old testaments. In the bible his faith was also tested. Believe in him and never stop. He will and always is there for you, he’s there when you think he’s not. a

37 (2007-06-21) Jo W Kimberley B.C Canada At 48, I changed careers and became an EMR and for my first job, drove 14 hours away from my kids and grandkids. I went into a remote logging camp and arrived the evening of the 16th of December. I had never been away from my family at Christmas, never mind so far and with no phone service. I knew no one and just starting working 16 hour days. The maintenance man working there had obvious disrespect for women. Well a couple days before Christmas, I had found out that this fella violated my room and had stollen some under garments. I was offended and afraid. I could not stay in that room any longer and looked for another room in the trailer. Being that I was first aid, I had just taken the room that was assigned to me. Well looking for another room, I found this one room that was all made up and clean and had the footprints poem above the bed. I just started to cry and thanked the good Lord, because I could feel him with me. I knew right there, I was not alone and I was safe. FAITH OF A MUSTARD SEED, IS HUGE. a

38 (2007-06-21) Mandi Y Conyers, GA This poem has always been my very favorite. It has inspired me in so many different way each and everyday. As a current college student, I have an assignment to study my favorite poem & author, and stumbled across this "author problem". I strongly believe that Ms. Stevenson is the first author of this extremely wonderful & inspriartional poem. God has given the world a gift through this wonderfully strong & courageous woman. Even now when she is gone from this Earth and in Heaven with Him, it continues to encourage people everyday. If there is anything that I have learned from this poem, it is that no matter what, God is always there with you, not just FOR you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Ms. Stevenson for this blessing you have shown us. I wish everyone involved with this all the best of luck to resolve this sticky situation. Good luck and God bless you all always.... a

35 (2007-05-31) Frenchee T. Pine Ridge, SD I first knew of the poem when my older brother passed in 1999 -I was about 19 yrs old. He was going through a trying time in his life when he passed on in a car accident. My family found a notebook in his home that had this poem written out. On the next page there was a In Memory written out to his friend, who also died in a car accident years before. I know he was very close to this friend and thought of him for some time after his death. My brother always kept his faith close to him and I strongly believe that Tunkasila (the Great Spirit) carried him in his time of need. He was seperated from his wife around the time of his death but he tried so hard to keep his family together as he had three young sons, which makes life so hard because he did anything for his sons to have a warm home, clothing and food at the table. Now his sons are seperated and on their own, basically lost with out their father's love. I read the poem every time I think of my brother and it helps sooth the pain I feel as I miss him dearly. Now when I have family or friends who pass on I find any thing that has this peom and give it to the family so it too can help them through their time of need. But now I know I can give Mary the credit she deserves for writing such beautiful words. May Tunkasila watch over you and yours. a

34 (2007-05-30) Mary S Hi...I have read footprints many times, and I find it to not only be encouraging but the absolute truth regarding GOD. I found it again today when I typed in MARY STEVENSON, as this is also my own name. I was fascinated to read the story about Mary, the one who read the poem, and who died in I would have loved to meet her, I reckon we would have gotten along wonderfully well. I write also....and I think we (Mary and I) may have the same gifts in that way. I haven't written anything as famous though! I just wanted to write here after this wonderful finding today. I may return and write a story here. We will see. It's all so overwhelming. I would like to get the book about Mary's life also. Thanks for this forum here. God Bless. Mary Stevenson a


32 (2007-05-28) David P Denton, East Sussex, UK It's tough when someone you love dies - especially when they are only 36. I've just been asked to read 'Footprints' at Tony's funeral and as a Street Chaplain helping addicts and alcoholics - and anyone else whose in need - it's a real privilige to do so and to support their families. We also help with free counselling so if there's anyone out there needing some support and encouragement - or who wants to off-load things that have gone wrong or who have been heart-broken, I'll do my best - with God's help - to give you the help you need. With love to you in your need. David a

31 (2007-05-01) Carolyn B London, England I first read the poem in a bookshop in maidenhead over ten yeras ago and have been seeing it ever since but only at really big moments in my journey. Think its one of the most amazing things have ever read and i would like to paper the world with those words truely. I wennt to somerset recently to a speacial spiritual retreat, that entirely changed my life in every good and perfect way. I had been getting many signs during my stay and one was when one night i stayed away from the centre at a local B&B with a guy i had meet recently olny had single bed in my room plus didnt want the guy there. So when we got there went into the bathroom and there was the poem on the wall, a shinning beacon gently reassuring me that iwas exactly where i was meant to be at that moment and that i was on the right path at last now its the home straight for me even though i am only thirty. I have been truely blessed with sight and i see the way. halliluya praise the lord! So thank you for this work and i am also i wirter and hope to contribute somethings as beautiful to the world as this poem. take care love and peace x a

30 (2007-04-22) Dena C Rensselaer, NY As a child my mother loved the footprints poem and hung it on the wall, whenever i felt sad i would go to that poem and read and be reminded that the Lord was always with me.
1 week after i purchased my first home i was finally moving in and noticed i needed a shower curtain......went to walmart and a beautiful ocean scene one grabbed my attention.
When i got it home and hung it, there were the words from the poem and the footprints at the bottom, WOW! (it had been so long since i had read that poem but that was just precious!
I was so touched by this and had to call my mom immediately. What a wonderful reminder that he is always there! a

29 (2007-04-20) Christina B weston florida when i'm in times of trouble i just read the poem over and over again until i feel better the first time i heard this poem it was in 9/11/01 in my 3rd grade class my teacher read it aloud and it just said something it said that no matter how bad of times you are in god will never ever leave you so when times got hard for me here at home i just read this peom and it made me feel better. it got me to smile because when the tragidey happend in my family i didn't smile for weeks until i decdied to read this peom and after i was finshed reading it it made me feel alot better and got me to smile again. so thank you for wirting this peom its an inserpation to me. a

28 (2007-04-13) James.b. Edmonton FOOTSTEP!!










27 (2007-03-29) Linda P. St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, CANADA I first read'' Footprints in the sand'' when I was at dad's place it was his favorite. Today I have a brother who got in trouble with the law and is now incarcerated. Just recently I wrote to him and sent him ''FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND'' for I know during the hard times this will be very useful for him. As a little treat glued a picture of dad on the prayer. Thank you for reading my story.... God bless you. a

26 (2007-03-22) Emmanuel N Arlington Heights, IL My brother told me of this poem expecting that i had read it before. To his surprise i had not so he suggested i pull it up online. I was expecting just another poem that is "nice." As i started reading it my voice was monotone and flat. Throughout the poem my interest was growing. At the end of the poem aroung the part where God says "my son, my precious child..." my voice began to break. Something had come over me and by the time i read the last line of the poem, I cried like i hadn't cried in a long time. It took me a while to regain myself and even to this day when i read it, it still makes me cry sometimes. Never forget...God loves you!!! a

25 (2007-03-04) Shaunalynn M. New England, United States I recently just got saved, and this poem shows how the Lord is always there for us. To remind me of that I got footprint tattood on my hip, and whenever I feel alone I just think on that and know, the Lord is walking beside me. a

24 (2007-03-03) Paul W. England This poem always reminds me of my mum she dies when i was 6 and i was told it was her fav poem and it was imprinted on her memorial card and i remeber when i first read it was great and i was suprised how much it hit me with so much fource. The poem doesnt really give me faith just a memory of my mum and that to me she lives on in the poem. a

23 (2006-09-24) Margaret-anne M. Maybole, Ayrshire , Scotland well i dont have an exciting story but im going to tell you it anyway as it means alot to me and gets me thru some of the hardest days.
I was in the academy when i first read the poem footprints in the sand. I always remember going home and telling my dad of this lovely poem i had read. my dad agreed said it was one of his favourites. Years passed by it was coming up to my 18th. my dad was an alcoholic so i did not expect a present but he did he was fair pleased with himself i can still see his face when he told me he had bought me a present. Anyway at was the Footprints ear rings they were beautiful. on the same year as my 18th my dad comitted suicide. Due to the drink and depression he could not see any other way out.
At my dads cremation my sister and i stood up and read the poem everyone was amazed at our strength to read this poem on that day but i read the poem most days as it gives me: strength, hope an happiness as i feel close to my dad even tho he is no longer here.
thank you for reading my story. a

22 (2006-08-31) Dilya I liked the "Footprints in the sand" very much. First I read it in the classroom of my UNiversity. It was stuck to the wall and no one payed attention to that piece of paper. When I read it I was in a shock. That mush it impacted me. Oh, I was so excited , I can't express what I felt at that time. It was such a colorful language though so simple, so comprehensive, so remarkable. I immediately shared it with my mother. Such a simple definition of faith in God. Wow! It is just wonderful! I Thank Mary Stevenson who had written it. I think God loves her. a

21 (2006-07-24) Rebecca M. London, Canada I've always loved the poem Footprints, and though it has never gotten me through a specific tough time, it has always made me remember that God will carry me when I can't make it on my own. I find that so encouraging. One time that I needed God to carry me was when a friend of mine attempted suicide. He was in the hospital and I was a nervous wreck! I had one day where I knew that in my own power I couldn't make it through the day on my own, so I asked God to carry me, and He did. It's an amazing feeling to be carried by God.

I also like this parody of Footprints. It encourages me to get back up and start walking again when I can.

Butt prints in the Sand
A parody of Footprints in the Sand

One night, I had a wondrous dream;
One set of footprints there was seen.
The footprints of my precious Lord,
But mine were not along the shore.
But then some stranger prints appeared,
And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?"
"Those prints are large and round and neat,
But, Lord, they are too big for feet."
"My child," He said in somber tones.
"For miles I carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
But you refused and made me wait.
You disobeyed, you would not grow,
The walk of-faith you would not know.
So I got tired and fed up,
And there I dropped you on your butt,
Because in life, there comes a time,
When one must fight, and one must climb,
When one must rise and take a stand,
Or leave their butt prints in the sand."

20 (2006-04-30) Sarah H. I, first, saw this poem, at a very young age. Suffice to say, I had no idea what it was about or what it, truly meant. I have, always, known this poem, as I have always known my Father, and Lord. While, I am, only, 23, now...I have had a life filled with love I could not see. Through all the stages, in my life, this poem has struck a commanding cord. When I was suicidal, and could not see the end of my sufferings, I questioned the Lord: "If, You are holding me, throughout my trials, why is my pain so strong?" I got the answer, as I started to notice, myself, developing into a braver, gentler, and less selfish person. God, held me through my trials...But, I, still, had to go through them. Thus, just as a flower, I began to bloom and change. Thanks to this lovely poem, at my Grandmother's funeral...I saw a true beauty in words, and felt that which I knew, all along, to be true. God is with us, forever. He has carried us, in hard times, laughs and cries with us, and will never leave. This poem, is nothing short of genius, brought on by God's inspiration to a woman blessed enough to receive its great message and spread it to the world. I cannot express in words, how much this poem means, to me. And, forever, unto my end, I shall hold this poem close to my heart! Thank you, for your time, a

19 (2006-04-21) Christine B. Marion,Ohio Tonight I had a conversation, with one of my friends, who had recently gotten some very upsetting news. He was tlking of taking his own life.When I was talking to him, I finally told him that God does not give us more of burden in life, then he feels that we can bare.Then I asked him if he had ever read "Footprints in the sand".He had not.So, I emailed it to him. I think that he now understands, that we are not forsaken. Thank you and God bless, a

18 (2006-03-24) Teriann B. Arleta, California I was in a conversation with a friend of mine who owns a business named Planet Chaos in North Hills, and the "Footprints" poem was brought up. I showed him a tatoo I have on my back of the beach with two footprints which represents and reminds me of this wonderful and inspirational poem. Just like for many years, I said it was anoymouns and he questioned me. At that very moment we looked it up on the internet and came to this site which attributes Mary Stevenson. I felt obligated to immediately write this letter and hopefully incourage others to fall in love with this great poem which I have marked forever on my body. God Bless Mary Stevenson. a

17 (2006-02-14) Luanne G. Homer Glen, Illinois My sisters and I found the wonderful Footprints poem on a card at Hinsdale Hospital in January 1984. Our father had a massive heart attack on New Years Eve 1983. He remained in a coma for a month until he died on Jan. 29, 1984. I was 25 at the time and my sisters and brother even younger. This was the most difficult time of our lives. Luckily we had our Mother and each other and loving family and friends.

I can't begin to tell how much the poem meant to us. Just knowing that God was there with us on this journey that we didn't want to take, made it somehow easier to deal with. For many years after, I carried the same paper card with the poem in my wallet. It became very bent but I needed it to be there. One day, I found it printed on a laminated card and bought that. I carried that for many more years until I gave it to a friend who was going through trying times and needed it more than me. I still have my original copy in my nightstand.

I have often thought of the poem over the years and have given copies of it to friends and family when they were in need. It is truly such an inspiration. I was so happy to find this website and know that the author was no longer unknown. I believe that God inspired Mary to write it so that we can be reminded that he is with us always.

Footprints has a special place in my heart. I thank God that we found it when we did.


16 (2006-01-13) Marion G. The Saving Link Before their was a mountain or a cloud in the sky Before their was a thread did the needle have an eye? Before their was a human were only monkeys holding hands? Before their was universe what caused this wordily plan? Before their was a sunbeam or the whippoorwill made it's" call" did anything exist or was it the "Big Bang"that caused it all? It matters not, how it all began or what the world might think as long as we believe He is the saving link. Amen a

15 (2005-12-01) Beth C. Alice Springs Northern Territory Australia For many years my Mum & Dad had a copy of Footprints in the Sand on their bedroom wall. As my Dad was dying he asked a very good friend to read the poem at his funeral - which she did.
This poem had always been beautiful has now become a message from my Dad for whenever I am at a low ebb a

14 (2005-06-24) Jenny C, Norfolk, England My grandmother has always been an extremely strong woman. Very caring, charitaable and loving. 1 in a million. She worked for the carers assosiation, cared for her father for many years while he was unable to care for himself, worked with the church, a wonderfull, nutty wife, mother of two, godmother of 3,granny' for 7 and step 'granny' for 4. Never put herself first. always bent overbackwards to help others and weighed around 15st.

In 2003 she became ill, and after much waiting diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was amazingly calm about it. she never said a bad word about it, was never asking 'why me?' and put her faith into god and her family to help her through it.

After many Many goes of chemo, weight loss, sickness, needles and surgary we were told that her cancer had been cleared of her ovaries and was at bay.

But that did not last long.

Christmas 2004 and her body had taken as much treatment as it could handle. any more and she would have become weak, thin and phsically sick. and evben closer to her death bed then she already was.

March 2005, mothers day. My mum sat in her bedroom listening to an Elvis song that my gran had alweays loved. it was on an 'i love mummy' cd she had recieved that morning. i walked in to find her sobbing "will this be my mums last mothers day? is this going to be the last one?". I for one was not going to believe that. this was not going to be the last time i give my granny a mothers day card and gift.

Later that month i walked in the house from being round a friends house to find dad crying clutching the house phone in his right hand, and his head in the other. I stood in the doorway in amazement. this was my father, nothing brings my father to tears. I asked what had happened and he said that gran had been rushed into hospital. She was extremely close to dying. I was to have time off school to be with her at her passing. The cancer had spread to all of the fat and tissue that surrounded her organs, and was collapsing her kidneys i think. She had fluid in her lungs and a swollen, solid stomach.

When i arrived at the hospital for the first time, i saw her through the crack in the door and turned to my brother, totally freaking out. i stood then left the room crying. My gran was lying in the bed of white, pale, wires and tubes absolutely everywhere and all my family sitting around her watching her thread an imaginary needle way above her head.

We all sat by her bedside, no clothes, no bed, no change of underwear, nothing, for 2 weeks solid. Untill march 31st.

While she was in her consiousness stage, my dad found a poem, footsteps in the sand. it was perfect. it contented me, and answerd one important question that i had been asking for an extremely long time. She and my whole family cried. the poem was perfect. the vicar came and read it to her aswell. it became something we read when it fell silent fear and sadness. My grandad has a framed version up on his wall.

My gran did not deserve to be taken in such a way. I just hope that the gates were painted gold especially for her, and all that she had stood be her whole life was infact what it turned out to be.

Thanks to the writter, for giving me peace within that last week and helped me believe that god was with her, carrying her because she was too weak to walk. Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free newsletters!


13 (2005-06-17) Don P. Brentwood, Essex, England I have been asked to take a non-religious funeral service on behalf of a family whose daughter has died at the age of 30. Having been given the privilege of being asked to lead the service, I found myself without an anchor point, since the gospels were out, as was the 23rd Psalm. Today I received a call from the family telling me that they had found Footprints in their daughter's papers & asking me to use it. An answer to prayer, especially as I can now try to get the whole assembly to think about their own immortal future, indeed, about their immortal past. We should all be grateful for this gift of Foot-prints. a

1 (2005-05-03) Jenny C. Norfolk, England My grandmother has always been an extremely strong woman. Very caring, charitaable and loving. 1 in a million. She worked for the carers assosiation, cared for her father for many years while he was unable to care for himself, worked with the church, a wonderfull, nutty wife, mother of two, godmother of 3,granny' for 7 and step 'granny' for 4. Never put herself first. always bent overbackwards to help others and weighed around 15st.

In 2003 she became ill, and after much waiting diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was amazingly calm about it. she never said a bad word about it, was never asking 'why me?' and put her faith into god and her family to help her through it.

After many Many goes of chemo, weight loss, sickness, needles and surgary we were told that her cancer had been cleared of her ovaries and was at bay.

But that did not last long.

Christmas 2004 and her body had taken as much treatment as it could handle. any more and she would have become weak, thin and phsically sick. and evben closer to her death bed then she already was.

March 2005, mothers day. My mum sat in her bedroom listening to an Elvis song that my gran had alweays loved. it was on an 'i love mummy' cd she had recieved that morning. i walked in to find her sobbing "will this be my mums last mothers day? is this going to be the last one?". I for one was not going to believe that. this was not going to be the last time i give my granny a mothers day card and gift.

Later that month i walked in the house from being round a friends house to find dad crying clutching the house phone in his right hand, and his head in the other. I stood in the doorway in amazement. this was my father, nothing brings my father to tears. I asked what had happened and he said that gran had been rushed into hospital. She was extremely close to dying. I was to have time off school to be with her at her passing. The cancer had spread to all of the fat and tissue that surrounded her organs, and was collapsing her kidneys i think. She had fluid in her lungs and a swollen, solid stomach.

When i arrived at the hospital for the first time, i saw her through the crack in the door and turned to my brother, totally freaking out. i stood then left the room crying. My gran was lying in the bed of white, pale, wires and tubes absolutely everywhere and all my family sitting around her watching her thread an imaginary needle way above her head.

We all sat by her bedside, no clothes, no bed, no change of underwear, nothing, for 2 weeks solid. Untill march 31st.

While she was in her consiousness stage, my dad found a poem, footsteps in the sand. it was perfect. it contented me, and answerd one important question that i had been asking for an extremely long time. She and my whole family cried. the poem was perfect. the vicar came and read it to her aswell. it became something we read when it fell silent fear and sadness. My grandad has a framed version up on his wall.

My gran did not deserve to be taken in such a way. I just hope that the gates were painted gold especially for her, and all that she had stood be her whole life was infact what it turned out to be.

Thanks to the writter, for giving me peace within that last week and helped me believe that god was with her, carrying her because she was too weak to walk.


2 (2005-05-03) Megan Wow! When I read this poem it brought tears to my eyes. But, it also gave me hope because I know everything I have been through the lord is carrying me. You see, right now I hope is the lowest point in my life. Because, about half a year ago I ran away to my moms. From Houston to San Antonio. Why? My dad I felt didn’t care about me. He never talked to me. He never told me he loved me. So I thought maybe I can get attention at school, so I started to rebel. And, I got in a lot of trouble. And, when I would come home my dad would punish me. But, he would leave bruises for days on me. I was scared and terrified of him. When I got to my boiling point I decided to run away. So I did. And, I hadn’t seen my mom in about 5 years. Wow, at my moms I hadn’t been that happy for years. But the worst thing happened to me. Me, my mom, and my little siblings would come to Houston to visit my aunt and uncle. My aunt is so sweet. But she causes a lot of problems. But, my uncle. Where do I start? He made me laugh. He listened to me. I felt like he gave me hope to live. He took me places to do things. He was a great man for a while. In fact he was such a great man at that time that I wished he was my dad. That I could live with him and my aunt. But, then all my troubles happened. And, it tears me up inside. Because took advantage of not only my body but, heart. I thought I could love him like a father. But, at night when everyone was asleep. He would rape me. It happened about four or five times. And, I moved back to my dads. I kept it a secret. I didn’t know how to deal with it. So I started to rebel again. I got arrested. And, taken to Chimney Rock Center. A detention/Shelter/CPS building. I was in the detention, and met this man Alan. And, he convinced my dad to put me in the shelter for 30 days. So I went. There was this girl there. Whose name was Nicole, and the same thing happened to her but it was her father who raped her. It was so hard to keep inside so I told her. I asked her not tell anyone. And, she promised she wouldn’t. But, she did. When she left the shelter she told female staff. And, right now I am going through the process of dealing with it physically and emotionally. And, I just want my aunts support. But, I don’t have it. I just need advice about how to get through this all.

Thank you so much for listening. a

3 (2005-04-28) Jen F. It took me a few tries to find the "poem" known by many which brought me your website. I too have a framed picture of the single "footprints" on the beach. It is an affirmation for me and I have had it so long that I can't remember when it was that I got it. I will be forty this year and I've carried it with me since I was at least 16 or 17. I like many others hold it dear because it has held my faith in trial times. I used to write poetry in dealing with life situations so I think this was a gift I stumbled upon. I am now a proud mother of identical twin boys,a self employeed preschool teacher, cubscout leader, and Sunday school teacher. I was carried many times by the Lord,especially through the childbirth of my twins. My Sunday school children have made for their mother's a "plaster of paris' footprint with sand for Mother's Day . Your website has enabled me to add the poem to the plaque as a great "keepsake." Thank you and all others whose stories are an inspiration to hear! God Bless. a

4 (2005-03-19) Marion G. My life consist of only one set of footprints, yes, only one set, his my Lord and Savior.

My life doesn't evolve around happiness but rather a greater or lessor degree of sadness.

So you see God has carried me the whole way therefore I see only one set of footprints, HIS. Amen.

His Love

His tears were shed when thorns
by way of the cross his life he
Gave to save our world from loss.

Oh! I gaze towards this mountain
with it's peak at heavens door
I hope to reach the summit to
be with Him once more

Each day I walk this mountain
path by faith I'm left to climb
I pray He'll let me enter when
I leave this world behind.

To know which path to seek
it's not that hard to find
just follow the trail of blood
He so willingly left behind.

"May we all climb the mountain"

© Marion Guttmann a

5 (2005-03-01) Angie C. Gilbert/Mesa AZ I want to tell you about my Nona. she was the kindest person that you could probably meet although I never really new her as she died just months after my birth to cancer. my dad and his family keep her alive in our harts. this is a speech my dad wrote and gave at her funeral. If you know someone who need a smile... give them yours. My mom has one of those smiles that comes from the hart. Because I know we all can remember a time my mom was there to give her smile to you, and her smile will always bring another smile when you think of her. I don't think that I really knew just how much my mom has reached out to help people until this last year or so, because so many people have expressed there love for my mom. I always knew she had a love for others and their needs, and a love to give. not only because I was her son, but she would just give to give. Mom would always say "god will bless those that give ... you know it makes me feel good when I can give ... and , if I didn't have it to give I wouldn't be giving it." it didn't mater what she was giving, if it was just her smile or her last dollar she always gave from her hart. these last few months her friends and my family have been there for my mom, at a time when she needed a smile. As everybody came to visit and to give mom their smile, mom wouldn't let on that she knew they were giving away smiles, because she never gave in on giving. I know, because I would leave after a visit thinking, Yeah!, I gave her my smile today, but after a short reflection about what had transferred during my visit. I thought about how strong her determination was and how happy she was at a time that looks to be her saddest time. I would just smile knowing she did it again, smile after smile after smile, she was still giving. as someone would come by to give mom their smile, they would share a story about a time that mom gave her smile to them. If it was by bringing over groceries when you had none or if it was knowing my mo would be over to drive you where you needed to go, when you needed her. she was always giving smiles. I want us to go away today looking for someone who needs a smile and give them yours.... the footprints poem was a favorite to my Nona and she keep it close to her hart. to me her loving spirit and kind hart will always be with me no matter where I am or who I become. every time I read this poem her loving and caring smile. to me this poem has helped me through some really hard times just like it helped my Nona and I hope it can help you in your times of heartache. to me just knowing that I am never alone in this world and that the lord is standing next to me and holing my hand all the time and carries me when I am in need of a crutch makes me feel more secure and embraced. I hope you think about the inner meaning of this poem and I hope it can help you just as it has helped my Nona and me. a

6 (2005-01-19) Richard J. Heshmaty Sr Fresno, CA to whom it may concern,

my name is Richard J. Heshmaty sr, i live in Fresno Ca, USA. I just wanted to share a very short story with all of you that literally saved my life. When i was 18 years of age i had an accident that changed my life. It started out as a normal day, on September 3, 1980. Which happend to be my mother's birthday. I started my day at the early hour of 6:oo am going to work with my girlfriends brother at a raisin plant here in Fresno, at lunch time my girlfriend brought me lunch and reminded me that we needed to go and get a gift for my mother as well as something to make for her dinner. So I left from work early so as to have everything ready for her when she arrived at home. It was a strange day of events this September 3rd. It started with my old 1953 chevy truck throwing a rod (blown engine) on the way home from work. We, my girlfriend and i proceeded to her mother's house to borrow a car that i had recently sold to her a 1972 chevy impala. we took this car to a shopping mall to find a gift for my mother. after buying her a pair of shoes we were exiting the mall when we were asked to fill out an credit application for sears & roebuck company. after doing so we went to this 72 impala adn to shorten this part of the story, basically because it hurts to relive it, i was crushed between this impala and a ford bronco. i was in the hospital for several weeks in traction. i was told that i would have to have my left leg amputated and my response was that i would rather commit suicide and i truly meant it. i couldnt understand how god could have turned his back on me when i needed him most in my life. my mother brought me a plaque that had this poem called FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND i refused to read this or anything else for that matter. a few days passed and i had awaken this morning and without thinking i read this poem, and to this day 25 yrs later everytime i read it tears flow from my eyes. it gave me the courage that i needed to face reality, and by the grace of GOD i WALK with my own legs wherever i go. where ever i am there is always a copy of this beautiful poem near me. whom ever the author is please know that you saved at least one life with it MINE, thak you and may god bless you as he has me.

Very Sincerely, Richard J. Heshmaty sr a

7 (2004-12-23) Annie S. Green Cove Springs Fla IN MEMORY OF CAROL






8 (2004-12-01) Elizabeth P. When I was in grade six my friend introduced me to the poem and I was so moved be the words. I read it to my mom as much as I can because it was her moms favorite poem. I will always love this poem. a

9 (2004-12-01) Jennifer O. Belpre, Ohio I came upon your website while looking for a copy of the poem "Footprints" and decided to accept your invitation to share my experience and tell you how these beautiful words saved my life. While I was in my mid-20's I suffered with Severe Depression. I had gone to college right out of high school. The university I had chosen turned out to be much bigger than what I could handle. I came from a town of 16,000,,,,this campus had 25,000 students. My academic career took a massive slide from what I had always expected from myself. By my 4th semester I had given up and moved back to my hometown. I began 'enjoying' the party life. I was running the bars,,,,drinking heavily, dabbling in drugs and 'hooking up' with just about every man I met. There was a hole inside of me,,,,,a sad, dark, cold, silent hole. The partying became more intense,,,,,almost every night of the week. I was trying to find something to make the hole go away. The more I partied though the bigger the hole became. And the bigger the hole became the more I partied. It was a vicious cycle. I was losing weight and was pale all the time. I had decided to throw away the most precious gift that God had ever given to me,,,my life. I felt completely and utterly alone in my misery. My life was a mistake. I wasn't suppose to be here. Maybe I could make it look like an accident,,,,then my parents wouldn't have to be embarrassed by a daughter who committed suicide. My condition became so bad that I had to move in with my parents. I was never to be left alone. I was speaking with a counceler twice a week and taking antidepressants. I was spending the majority of my time in my bedroom. I stopped talking to friends and seeing family. I just stayed there in my room with nothing but the tv for company. The holidays were coming up and the dread I felt was overwhelming to me.

One day my mother came to my room and told me she needed to go Christmas shopping. Wouldn't I please go with her? She would love to spend time with me and it had been such a long time since we had done something girlish together. I can't tell you why but I said yes. Even as I was getting dressed I was regretting my decision. But I had promised my Mom and I didn't want to disappoint her,,,,again. One of the stores that we stopped at was a Christian bookstore. While my Mom went about looking for the things she wanted I walked aimslessly around the store. A picture hanging on the wall caught my eye. It was a beautiful beach with the wind blowing through the grass. When I was very little we spent every summer at the beach. I loved the beach and this is where my heart had always been. I was drawn to this picture with a strong yearning in my heart. As I got closer to the picture I could see words written across the beach scene and I began to read. I stood there. Motionless,,,with tears streaming down my face unable to breathe. There was someone who cared. He cared very much. And I wasn't alone. He was there. He had been there all along. And everything was going to be OK. He was going to make it OK. And until everything was OK again and until I was strong enough to walk on my own He was going to take care of me and carry me. And even when things were OK again He wasn't going to leave me. He would stay with me. Every step of my life.

My Mom, upon seeing me standing in the store with tears running down my face, was alarmed at first. But when I pointed to the picture and she read the words there she knew that something miraculous had just happened. Her daughter had found hope and love. Right there is that little bookstore,,,,the Lord had reached out and wrapped His loving arms around me through the words of a poem. My Mom didn't hesitate,,,,,she bought me the picture. It hangs above my fireplace to this day. It is my daily reminder that He is my strength when I'm not strong enough and my guiding light when I am.

Thank you for this opportunity. I hope that in some way my story can help someone else who is feeling hopeless. Hope is there in the love of our Lord. a

10 (2004-10-03) Sarah B. California My story isn't like the others, but I have also been impacted by the Poem, "Footprints in the Sand." I remember the first time I read it, a tear came to my eyes. It has really helped me through the years. When I go through trials in my life, or just times when hope is very little, I have imagined the scene of walking along the sand and only one set of footprints. It brings me hope to think that the LORD is carrying me through that trial. Even when I pray to Him in these times, I sometimes ask Him to carry me. It brings such peace to know that the LORD leads us through the rough times in our lives, if we're walking with Him. It brings even greater joy knowing our Savior Jesus Christ will one day return for His children and in Heaven "...there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things [will] have passed away." (REV 21:4)That's what a life WALKING with JESUS will ultimately bring... Peace and Joy. a

11 (2004-04-09) Carol D. Gloucester, England I wanted to tell you about an organisation I have started with my sister-in-law Jane. It is called ‘Footprints’ and the inspiration is the poem. My husband died just over a year ago. He was dependent on alcohol and the dependency led to his death. He was a good man, loved by many, he loved his family and friends and had much to offer. When he was sober he helped many people cope with their dependency. But he was in great emotional turmoil and pain and only alcohol could numb that pain for a while. He knew it wouldn’t cure his pain, but it gave him some respite.

He did receive lots of help, there is good support where we lived for dependencies. However, there was no support for me as a carer. I chose to stay with him, to support him, to help him through the bad times and to be his ‘constant’ when others failed him. But I didn’t have any help or support. The helping agencies I tried were adamant that I should leave him, let him hit rock bottom and then maybe he will be cured. If only it was that easy there would be no problems ever! But I didn’t believe that kicking him when he was down would be any help at all.

After he died, I was determined that no one should have to go through what I did alone, if they didn’t want to.

And so, Footprints was born. We are still very new, just beginning. But the poem Footprints is what it is all about. Being able to carry each other when the going gets really tough, but doing it out of love, unconditional love. Accepting decisions made by the group members, whether it be to stay or go, and helping them through.

The start of Footprints has enabled me to cope in a more positive way with his death. I feel that my suffering now has a value, it wasn’t wasted, because perhaps it may help someone else.


12 (2004-02-08) Lisa S. I stumbled upon your website while looking for a beach condo to rent. I have a wonderful story about the poem "Footprints in the Sand". My brother, Andy, started drinking when he was 13 years old and soon became an alcoholic. During the next 8 years he lived a wild life which quickly spiraled out of control. After graduating from high school, he had no direction in life. He basically lived for the next drink or opportunity to get high. He went from job to job, and rehab program to program , while nothing helped keep him from the bottle. During the last year of his life, Andy did take steps to change. He became involved in Bible studies, sometimes attended church, repaired damaged relationships with family, and desperately wanted a normal life. Over the years many people gave gifts to Andy, but he always pawned, sold, or traded them for drugs and alcohol. He held on to very few material possessions.

On Feb. 22, 1990 I received a phone call from my mom, telling me that Andy's body had been found on the banks of a river in Pittsburgh. At the time the police suspected murder, because he had a bad bruise on his forehead. For several days, we lived with the uncertainty of Andy's death. The thought of him being murdered was brutal. When we cleaned his apartment out, he had very few belongings. We were surprised at the number of things we found with the "Footprints" poem on them. Apparently it had been a source of inspiration to him. He seemed to collect things with that poem. A few days after the funeral, a policeman called my mom and told her that his death had been accidental. They determined that Andy had become drunk and stumbled down a small hill, hitting his head on a rock. Then police determined that he must have gone to the water to clean the blood that was covering his face. Next they think he passed out with his feet in the river and died of hypothermia during the night.

When my mom asked the officer how they knew he wasn't murdered, he answered with words I will never forget. He said, "We know that he wasn't murdered, because there was only one set of footprints in the sand."

It hurt to know that Andy died the way he lived much of his life...drunk. However, we were given great comfort in the subconscious message given us by the policeman. We believe that even though Andy couldn't conquer alcohol in this life, and possibly BECAUSE he couldn't, God chose to escort him home. Rather than imagining Andy drunk and cold as he lay dying, I image him lying there, waiting for his Savior to carry him home. a

91 (0000-00-00) Luke P Erith Kent UK I always grew up with the poem in the house. And always went to church one morning when I was 9I read the poem before I went to school and I thought is good going to carry me I thought hard that morning and I just said Lord I need you to carry me. And that was the day Jesus came into my life and I nOw have many mor perints of the poem I know it off by heart and say it when I do not feel close to god and think I'm closer to god becUse he is now carrying me in this difficult spot and I ask him to uplift m soul and fill me the holy ghost and then I feel like I m not alone a

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